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Regular price £2.80 GBP
Regular price Sale price £2.80 GBP
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The Surpay Tetra, also known as the "False Neon Tetra," is a beautiful and popular species of tropical freshwater fish that is native to South America. This peaceful and active fish is a great addition to any community aquarium, and its bright colors and striking pattern make it a standout species.

The Surpay Tetra grows to an average size of around 4 centimeters in length and prefers a water temperature between 22-28 degrees Celsius. They do well in aquariums with plenty of plants and hiding spots, as well as a moderate water flow.

In terms of diet, Surpay Tetras are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, frozen and live foods. To keep them healthy and vibrant, it's important to provide them with a balanced diet that includes a mix of protein and plant-based foods.

Overall, the Surpay Tetra is a hardy and low-maintenance fish that will thrive in a well-maintained aquarium with proper water conditions and a varied diet.

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