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Black Widow

Black Widow

Regular price £3.40 GBP
Regular price Sale price £3.40 GBP
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Black Widow Tetras are a popular freshwater fish species that are known for their striking black and red coloration. They are a relatively small fish, typically growing to a maximum size of around 5-6 centimeters in length. They are also known for their hardiness, which makes them a great choice for beginner aquarists.

In terms of water temperature, Black Widow Tetras prefer a temperature range of 24-28 degrees Celsius. They are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including flake and pellet foods, as well as live and frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.

These fish are known to be active and playful, and they do well in schools of six or more. They are peaceful and can be housed with other peaceful community fish, but they may nip at the fins of slower-moving fish or fish with long fins, so it's best to avoid keeping them with fish that have delicate fins.

Overall, Black Widow Tetras are a popular and attractive fish species that are relatively easy to care for and make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium.

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